PCRA Survey February 2021 Due to ever increasing numbers, solo race fields have all become over subscribed and people are starting to miss out on race entries or classes. The committee has been put in place to run race meetings to the best of our ability. This has become quite a challenge to satisfy everyone or at least most people. We understand people’s frustrations. In an attempt to relieve these frustrations, we need feedback to provide an improved service. Make no mistake, there’s continual pressure on the committee and can become quite stressful. Consider the options below, remembering the costs involved of a 2 day meeting is almost double to run and more difficult to get enough marshals. The committee will analyse all information received to help determine any changes. Preferred Options: Number them 1 to 4 with 1 being your most preferred option and 4 being your least preferred option. *The current racing format is 7 practice sessions plus 21 races (3 races per class) at our one day meetings (28 sessions). Full Name: Email: Option A: 9 practice sessions and 18 races (2 races per class of longer duration per class) (27 sessions). This would mean less classes in each race therefore making more racing spots available.Number this option 1 to 4 in the field below (1 = most preferred | 4 = least preferred). Feel free to add Comments in the Comments section. Option B: 2 Day race meetings with the same format as above (1 practice session and 5 races over the 2 days) (27 sessions per day)Number this option 1 to 4 in the field below (1 = most preferred | 4 = least preferred). Feel free to add Comments in the Comments section. Option C: Run one day split race meeting of, for example but not necessarily Up to 250cc and over 250cc. Possible format would be 5 practice sessions and 20 races (4 races per class) (25 sessions)Number this option 1 to 4 in the field below (1 = most preferred | 4 = least preferred). Feel free to add Comments in the Comments section. Option D: Continue in the current format 7 practice sessions plus 21 raced (3 races per class) (28 sessions). This could mean restrictions on cross entries and the possibility of you or other competitors missing out?Number this option 1 to 4 in the field below (1 = most preferred | 4 = least preferred). Feel free to add Comments in the Comments section. Time is Up! Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin